Fibonacci words are typical examples of circularly balanced words. Below is the graph showing the cycle to recover a conjugate of $\fib_4$ (length $F_6=8$ and density $F_5=5$), from $\sa{b}^3\sa{a}^5$. Following the cycle from the top left letter, letters of $\sa{aabaabab}$ are those met successively on the bottom line. Starting from another letter gives another conjugate of $\fib_4=\sa{abaababa}$, which itself is obtained by starting from the first occurrence of $\sa{a}$ on the top line. In fact, any word of length $|\fib_n|$ and density $|\fib_{n-1}|$ is circularly balanced if and only if it is a conjugate of $\fib_n$.
$\BWT(\fib_1)=\BWT(\sa{ab})=\sa{ba}$, $\BWT(\fib_2)=\BWT(\sa{aba})=\sa{baa}$ and $\BWT(\fib_3)=\BWT(\sa{abaab})=\sa{bbaaa}$.
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Problem 95: BW Transform of Balanced Words |
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The Burrows-Wheeler operation maps a word $w$ to the word $\BWT(w)$ composed of the last letters of the sorted conjugates of $w$. The goal of the problem is to characterise primitive words $w\in \{\sa{a},\sa{b}\}^+$ for which $\BWT(w)\in\sa{b}^+\sa{a}^+$. Such a word $w$ can then be compressed to a word of length $\log|w|$ by representing the exponents of $\sa{a}$ and of $\sa{b}$.
The characterisation is based on the notion of balanced words. The density (or weight) of a word $u\in \{\sa{a},\sa{b}\}^+$ is the number of occurrences of letter $\sa{a}$ in it, that is, $|u|_{\sa{a}}$. A word $w$ is said to be balanced if any two factors of $w$, $u$ and $v$ of the same length, have almost the same density. More formally factors satisfy $$|u|=|v| \Longrightarrow -1\leq |u|_{\sa{a}}-|v|_{\sa{a}} \leq 1.$$ We also say the word $w$ is circularly balanced if $w^2$ is balanced.