For $F_0 = \{\sa{aa},\sa{bb}\}\subseteq\{\sa{a},\sa{b}\}^*$ we get $L(F_0) = (\sa{ab})^*\cup(\sa{ba})^*$. For $F_1=\{\sa{aaa},\sa{bbab},\sa{bbb}\}\subseteq\{\sa{a},\sa{b},\sa{c}\}^*$ we have $(\sa{ab})^* \subseteq L(F_1)$ as well as $(\sa{bbaa})^* \subseteq L(F_1)$ and $\sa{c}^* \subseteq L(F_1)$.
The set $F_1$ is avoidable on the alphabet $\{\sa{a},\sa{b}\}$ because it is avoided by the infinite word $(\sa{ab})^\infty$.
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Problem 58: Avoiding a Set of Words |
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For a finite set $F$ of words on a finite alphabet $A$, $F\subseteq A^*$, let $L(F)\subseteq A^*$ be the language of words that avoids $F$, that is, no word in $F$ appears in words of $L(F)$. The aim is to build an automaton accepting $L(F)$.
Note that if $w$ avoids $u$ it also avoids any word $u$ is a factor of. Thus we can consider that $F$ is an anti-factorial (factor code) language: no word in $F$ is a proper factor of another word in $F$. On the contrary, $F(L)$ is a factorial language: any factor of a word in $F(L)$ is in $F(L)$.
The set $F$ is said to be unavoidable if no infinite word avoids it (see Problem 57).