$\sa{abba}$ and $\sa{dccd}$ are longest palindromic subsequences of $\sa{dcabcdba}$.
Problem 140: Two longest subsequence problems
There are many problems related to subsequences with
specific properties.
We consider two simple problems of this type: for a word $x$, compute its lexicographically
smallest subsequence of a given length $k$, %denoted by $\MinSub(x,k)$,
and a longest palindromic subsequence.
The $\MinSub$ problem
For a word $x$ drawn from an ordered alphabet, $\MinSub(x,k)$ is defined as the lexicographically
smallest subsequence of a given length $k$, $k\leq |x|$.
Note the subsequence may have several occurrences in $x$.
For a word $x$ of length $n$, design an algorithm that computes $\MinSub(x,k)$ in time $O(n)$.
The $\LPS$ problem
In this second problem, the goal is to compute a longest palindromic subsequence
$\LPS(x)$ of the word $x$.
Compute a longest palindromic subsequence of a word of length $n$ in time $O(n^2)$.