It can be checked directly that $\{4,6,8,12\}$ and $\{4,8,10,12\}$ are
attractors on $\tau_4$.
$i$ | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
| 11 | 12 | 13
| 14 | 15 |
$\tau[i]$ | $\sa{a}$ | $\sa{b}$ | $\sa{b}$ | $\sa{a}$ | $\sa{b}$ | $\sa{a}$ | $\sa{a}$ | $\sa{b}$
| $\sa{b}$ | $\sa{a}$ | $\sa{a}$ | $\sa{b}$ | $\sa{a}$ | $\sa{b}$ | $\sa{b}$ | $\sa{a}$ |
It can be checked directly that $\{4,7\}$ and $\{6,7\}$ are both attractors on $\fib_5$.
Attractors of size $2$ are obviously of the smallest size because two of its
positions have to point on two different letters.
$i$ | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10
| 11 | 12 |
$\fib_5[i]$ | $\sa{a}$ | $\sa{b}$ | $\sa{a}$ | $\sa{a}$ | $\sa{b}$ | $\sa{a}$ | $\sa{b}$ | $\sa{a}$
| $\sa{a}$ | $\sa{b}$ | $\sa{a}$ | $\sa{a}$ | $\sa{b}$ |
Problem 127: String attractors
The notion of the string attractor provides a unifying framework for known
dictionary-based compressors.
A string attractor on a word $x$ is a subset
$\Att$ of positions on $x$ for which each factor $u$ of $x$ has an occurrence
covering at least one position in $\Att$.
That is, there are positions $i$,
$j$ and $t$ satisfying $u=x[i\dd j]$, $t\in\Att$ and $i\leq t\leq j$.
We concentrate on attractors on two families of words.
Thue-Morse words
Thue-Morse words are defined as follows:
\tau_0 = \sa{a},
\tau_{k+1} = \tau_k\overline{\tau_k}, \mbox{ for } k \geq 0,
where the bar morphism is defined by
$\overline{\sa{a}}\,=\sa{b}$ and $\overline{\sa{b}}\,=\sa{a}$.
Note the length of the $k$th Thue-Morse word is $|\tau_k|=2^k$ and
$\overline{\tau_{k+1}} = \overline{\tau_k}\tau_k$.
Construct an attractor of size at most $4$.
for Thue-Morse words $\tau_k$, $k\geq 4$.
Attractors on Fibonacci words
The Fibonacci word $\fib_k$ is $\phi^k(\sa{a})$, $k\geq 0$, where the morphism
$\phi$ is defined by $\phi(\sa{a})=\sa{ab}$ and $\phi(\sa{b})=\sa{a}$.
The length of $\fib_k$ is the Fibonacci number $F_{k+2}$ ($F_0=0$, $F_1=1$,
$F_2=1$, $F_3=2$, $\dots$).
Find two essentially distinct attractors of size $2$ for each Fibonacci word
$\fib_k$, $k\geq 2$.
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