CLR cover
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Problem 146: List-constrained square-free strings

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\( \)

Let $L$ be a list of finite alphabets $(L_1,L_2,\ldots,L_n)$. A word $a_1a_2\cdots a_n$ is said to be $L$-constrained if $a_i\in L_i$ for each $i$, $1\le i \le n$. The aim is to find $L$-constrained square-free words of length $n$.

For simplicity, assume from now on that each $L_i$ is of size 5. The constructed word $u$ is treated as a stack: adding a symbol at the end corresponds to a push operation and removing the last symbol to a pop operation. Let $\pop^k$ be the sequence of $k$ pop operations. Let also $\HalfSquare(u)$ be the maximal half-length of the suffix of $u$ that is a square.

Let $\RR=\{1,2,3,4,5\}^{8n}$ and $symbol(j,t)$ denote the $t$-th symbol on the list $L_j$. Informally speaking, each element $c\in\RR$ is treated as a "control sequence". During the $i$-th iteration of the Algorithm H below, the letter $symbol(j,c[i])$ is inserted at the $j$-th position of $u$ by pushing it onto the stack.

Algorithm H runs a naive backtracking process controlled by the sequence $c\in \RR$. The result is successful if H$(c)=(u,\beta)$, where $|u|=n$ and $u$ a square-free word.

H$(c, c\in \RR)$
    \STATE $(u,i)\leftarrow (\mbox{ empty stack},1)$
    \WHILE{$i\leq 8n$ and $|u|\lt n$}
      \STATE $j \leftarrow |u|+1$
      \STATE push $symbol_j(c[i])$
      \IF{$u$ contains a suffix square}
        \STATE $k \leftarrow \frac{1}{2}\mathrm{square}(u)$
        \STATE $u\leftarrow pop^k(u)$
      \STATE $i\leftarrow i+1$
    \STATE $\beta \leftarrow$ sequence of executed push and pop operations
    \RETURN $(u,\beta)$

Show constructively that there exists an $L$-constrained square-free word of length $n=|L|$ if each set $L_i$ of $L$ is of size $5$.

If H$(c)=(u,\beta)$ with $|u|\lt n$ then $\beta$ contains $8n$ symbols ``push'' and $8n-|u|$ symbols ``pop''.

H$(c)$ records the computation history: both the sequence of moves of the stack (pops and pushes) and the word $u$ as final content of the stack, with $|u|\le n$. This is sufficient to reconstruct the word $c$ if $|u| \lt n$.
