$\sa{00100101}$ is the greatest necklace in $N(8,3)$:
$\{\sa{00000111}, \sa{00001011}, \sa{00001101}, \sa{00010011},$
$\sa{00010101}, \sa{00011001}, \sa{00100101}\}$.
And $\sa{01011011}$ is the greatest necklace in $N(8,5)$:
$\{\sa{00011111}, \sa{00101111}, \sa{00110111}, \sa{00111011},$
$\sa{00111101}, \sa{01010111}, \sa{01011011}\}$.
Problem 115: Greatest Fixed-Density Necklace
A word is called a necklace if it is the lexicographically smallest word
in its conjugacy class.
The density of a word on the alphabet
$\{\sa{0},\sa{1}\}$ is the number of occurrences of $\sa{1}$'s occurring in it.
Let $N(n,d)$ be the set of all binary necklaces of length $n$ and density
The problem is concerned with the lexicographically greatest necklace in
$N(n,d)$ with $0\leq d\leq n$.
The following intuitive property characterises the structure of largest
Lemma 20
Let $C$ be the greatest necklace in $N(n,d)$:
If $d\le n/2$ then $C=0^{c_0}10^{c_1}1 \cdots 0^{c_{d-1}}1$,
where both $c_0\gt 0$ and, for each $i\gt 0$, $c_i\in \{c_0,c_0-1\}$.
If $d\gt n/2$ then $C=01^{c_0}01^{c_1} \cdots 01^{c_{n-d-1}}$,
where both $c_0\gt 0$ and, for each $i\gt 0$, $c_i\in \{c_0,c_0+1\}$.
In both cases, the binary sequence $w = (0, |c_1-c_0|, |c_2-c_0|,\dots )$
is the largest necklace of its length and density.
Based on Lemma 20, design a linear-time algorithm for computing
the greatest necklace in $N(n,d)$.
J. Sawada and P. Hartman. Finding the largest fixed-density necklace
and Lyndon word. Inf. Process. Lett., 125:15-19, 2017.