Example 1
When the process is applied to the initial word $x=\sa{1221}$, it produces a
list of ternary words starting with
h^0(x) &=& \sa{1}&\sa{2}&\sa{2}&\sa{1}\\
h^1(x) &=& \sa{1}&\sa{0}&\sa{1}&\sa{0}&\sa{1}\\
h^2(x) &=& \sa{1}&\sa{1}&\sa{1}&\sa{1}&\sa{1}&\sa{1}\\
h^3(x) &=& \sa{1}&\sa{2}&\sa{2}&\sa{2}&\sa{2}&\sa{2}&\sa{1}\\
h^4(x) &=& \sa{1}&\sa{0}&\sa{1}&\sa{1}&\sa{1}&\sa{1}&\sa{0}&\sa{1}\\
h^5(x) &=& \sa{1}&\sa{1}&\sa{1}&\sa{2}&\sa{2}&\sa{2}&\sa{1}&\sa{1}&\sa{1}\\
h^6(x) &=& \sa{1}&\sa{2}&\sa{2}&\sa{0}&\sa{1}&\sa{1}&\sa{0}&\sa{2}&\sa{2}&\sa{1}\\
h^7(x) &=& \sa{1}&\sa{0}&\sa{1}&\sa{2}&\sa{1}&\sa{2}&\sa{1}&\sa{2}&\sa{1}&\sa{0}&\sa{1}\\
h^8(x) &=& \sa{1}&\sa{1}&\sa{1}&\sa{0}&\sa{0}&\sa{0}&\sa{0}&\sa{0}&\sa{0}&\sa{1}&\sa{1}&\sa{1}\\
h^9(x) &=& \sa{1}&\sa{2}&\sa{2}&\sa{1}&\sa{0}&\sa{0}&\sa{0}&\sa{0}&\sa{0}&\sa{1}&\sa{2}&\sa{2}&\sa{1}\\
In particular, ${h}^9(x)=x\cdot\sa{00000}\cdot x$, which
shows that the word $x$ has been reproduced.
Example 2
Applied to $y=\sa{121}$, the associated list starts with
h^0(y) &=& \sa{1}&\sa{2}&\sa{1}\\
h^1(y) &=& \sa{1}&\sa{0}&\sa{0}&\sa{1}\\
h^2(y) &=& \sa{1}&\sa{1}&\sa{0}&\sa{1}&\sa{1}\\
h^3(y) &=& \sa{1}&\sa{2}&\sa{1}&\sa{1}&\sa{2}&\sa{1}\\
Problem 109: Self-Reproducing Words
Word morphisms are frequently used to produce finite or infinite words
because they are defined by the images of single letters.
In the problem we
consider another type of function that may be regarded as context dependent
and is a kind of sequential transducer.
The working alphabet is $A=\{\sa{0},\sa{1},\sa{2}\}$.
The image by $h$ of a word $w\in A^+$ is the word
$${h}(w) = (\sa{0}\oplus a[0])\,(a[0]\oplus a[1])\,(a[1]\oplus a[2])
\cdots (a[n-1]\oplus \sa{0}),$$
where $\oplus$ is the addition modulo 3.
Iterating $h$ from an initial word of $A^+$ produces longer words that have
very special properties, as shown with the two examples.
Show that for any word $w\in A^+$ the two properties hold:\\[1mm]
There is an integer $m$ for which ${h}^m(w)$ consists of two copies
of $w$ separated by a factor of zeros (i.e. a factor in $\sa{0}^*$).
If $|w|$ is a power of 3 then ${h}^{|w|}(w)\,=\, w\,w$.
S. Amoroso and G. Cooper. Tessellation structures for reproduction of
arbitrary patterns. J. Comput. Syst. Sci., 5(5):455-464, 1971.