Problem 126: Computing short distinguishing subsequence
The problem consider distinguishing subsequence between two
different binary words (see Problem 51).
Denoting by $\SMot(x)$ the set of subsequences of a word $x$, a word $z$ is
said to distinguish $x$ and $y$, $x\neq y$, if it is a subsequence of only
one of them, that is, $z\in \SMot(x)\Leftrightarrow z\notin \SMot(y)$.
Construct a distinguishing subsequence of length at most $\lceil (n+1)/2
\rceil$ for two distinct binary words of the same length $n$.
In fact, the above bound is optimal.
For each $n\gt 0$, construct two distinct binary words of length $n$ that do not
have a distinguishing subsequence of length smaller than $\lceil (n+1)/2
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