Problem 142: Maximal number of (distinct) subsequences
For a word $x\in \{\sa{a},\sa{b}\}^*$, let $\Subs(x)$ denote the
set of subsequences occurring in
$x$, including the empty word, and let $\subs(x) = |\Subs(x)|$.
For a word $x\in \{\sa{a},\sa{b}\}^*$,
design an efficient (polynomial time) algorithm computing $\subs(x)$.
What is a compact formula for the maximal number $S(n)$ of (distinct)
subsequences of a binary word of length $n$.
A. Flaxman, A. W. Harrow and G. B. Sorkin,
Strings with maximally many distinct subsequences and substrings,
Electron. J. Comb. 11:#R8, 2004.