\def\lrep{\mathit{\ell rep}}
For $x = \sa{baabaababaabaa}$, squares centred at $7$ are $\sa{(abaab)}^2$,
$\sa{(ab)}^2$ and the empty square.
There is no non-empty square centred at $6$ or $9$, for example.
Here are a few local periods for the above example word: $\lrep(7)=2$ period
of $\sa{(ab)}^2$, $\lrep(1)=3$ period of $\sa{(aab)}^2$, $\lrep(6)=8$ period
of $\sa{(babaabaa)}^2$ and $\lrep(9)=5$ period of $\sa{(aabab)}^2$.
Problem 85: Short Square and Local Period
The notion of local periods in words provides a more accurate structure of its
repetitiveness than its global period.
The notion is central to that of
critical positions (see Problem 41) and their
Finding the local period at a given position $i$ on a word $x$ is the
question of the problem.
The local period $\lrep(i)$ is the period of a shortest non-empty
square $ww$ centred at position $i$ and possibly
overflowing $x$ to the left or to the right (or both).
Show how to compute all non-empty squares centred at a given position $i$ on
$x$ in time $O(|x|)$.
If there exists a shortest non-empty square of period $p$ centred at position
$i$ on $x$, show how to find it in time $O(p)$.
Double the length of the search area.
Design an algorithm to compute the local period $p$ at position $i$ on $x$ in
time $O(p)$.
Mind the situation where there is no square centred at $i$.
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M. Crochemore and W. Rytter. Text algorithms. Oxford University
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M. Crochemore and W. Rytter. Jewels of Stringology. World Scientific
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J. Duval, R. Kolpakov, G. Kucherov, T. Lecroq, and A. Lefebvre. Lineartime
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D. Gusfield. Algorithms on Strings, Trees and Sequences: Computer
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B. Smyth. Computing Patterns in Strings. Pearson Education Limited,
Harlow, England, 2003. 423 pages.