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Problem 86: The Number of Runs

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A run is a maximal periodicity occurring in a word. Formally, a run in $x$ is an interval $[i\dd j]$ of positions on $x$ whose associated factor $x[i\dd j]$ is periodic (i.e., its smallest period $p$ satisfies $2p \leq |x[i\dd j]|=(j-i+1)$) and the periodicity does not extend to the right nor to the left (i.e., $x[i-1\dd j]$ and $x[i\dd j+1]$ have larger periods when defined).

We consider an ordering $\lt$ on the word alphabet and the corresponding lexicographic ordering denoted $\lt$ as well. We also consider the lexicographic ordering $\widetilde{\lt}$, called the reverse ordering, inferred by the inverse alphabet ordering $\lt^{-1}$. Each run $[i\dd j]$ is associated with its greatest suffix according to one of the two orderings as follows. Let $p=\per(x[i\dd j])$. If $j+1\lt n$ and $x[j+1] \gt x[j-p+1]$ we assign to the run the position $k$ for which $x[k\dd j]$ is the greatest proper suffix of $x[i\dd j]$ according to $\lt$. Otherwise, $k$ is the starting position of the greatest proper suffix of $x[i\dd j]$ according to $\widetilde{\lt}$. The position $k$ assigned this way to a run is called its special position. These positions are intimately linked to Lyndon words (defined in Section Ordering), subject of the first question.

Show that, if the special position $k$ of a run of period $p$ is defined according to $\widetilde{\lt}$ (resp. $\lt$), $x[k\dd k+p-1]$ is the longest Lyndon factor of $x$ starting at position $k$ according to $\lt$ (resp. $\widetilde{\lt}$).
The special position $k$ of a run $[i\dd j]$ of period $p$ satisfies $k\leq i+p$; see Problem 40.

Show two distinct runs have no special position in common and deduce that the number of runs in a word is smaller than its length.


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