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Problem 53: LPF Table

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\( \def\sa#1{\tt{#1}} \def\dd{\dot{}\dot{}} \def\LPF{\mathrm{LPF}} \def\LCP{\mathrm{LCP}} \def\Rank{\mathrm{Rank}} \def\prev{\mathit{prev}} \def\nextt{\mathit{next}} \)

The problem deals with yet another table on words called abusively the longest previous factor table. It is a useful tool to factorise words for data compression (see Problem 97) and more generally to design efficient algorithms for finding repeats in texts.

For a non-empty word $y$, its table $\LPF$ stores lengths of repeating factors. More precisely, for a position $j$ on $y$, $\LPF[j]$ is the maximal length of factors that starts both at position $j$ and at a previous (i.e. smaller) position. Here is the table for $\sa{abaabababbabbb}$.
$j$ 012345678910111213
$y[j]$ $\sa{a}$$\sa{b}$$\sa{a}$$\sa{a}$$\sa{b}$$\sa{a}$$\sa{b}$$\sa{a}$$\sa{b}$$\sa{b}$ $\sa{a}$$\sa{b}$$\sa{b}$$\sa{b}$
$\LPF[j]$ 00132432143221
The next algorithm computes the table $\LPF$ for its input word $y$. It utilises the Suffix array of $y$ and the table $\Rank$ that gives ranks of its suffixes in lexicographic order. Tables $\prev$ and $\nextt$ are links for a list representation of suffix ranks.

Lpf$(y \textrm{ non-empty word})$
  \FOR{$r\leftarrow 0$ \TO $|y|-1$}
    \STATE $(prev[r],next[r])\leftarrow (r-1,r+1)$
  \FOR{$j\leftarrow |y|-1$ \DOWNTO $0$}
    \STATE $r\leftarrow \mathrm{Rank}[j]$
    \STATE $\mathrm{LPF}[j]\leftarrow \max\{\mathrm{LCP}[r],\mathrm{LCP}[next[r]]\}$
    \STATE $\mathrm{LCP}[next[r]]\leftarrow \min\{\mathrm{LCP}[r],\mathrm{LCP}[next[r]]\}$
    \IF{$prev[r] \geq 0$}
      \STATE $next[prev[r]]\leftarrow next[r]$
    \IF{$next[r] \lt |y|$} 
      \STATE $prev[next[r]]\leftarrow prev[r]$

Show that Algorithm Lpf correctly computes the table $\LPF$ and works in linear time.

Looking accurately at the algorithm proves more than what it is designed for: lengths in $\LPF$ form a permutation of lengths in $\LCP$.

Show both that values in the $\LPF$ table are permuted from values in the $\LCP$ table and that the $\LCP$ table can be transformed into the $\LPF$ table.


  • S. Chairungsee and M. Crochemore. Efficient computing of longest previous reverse factors. In Y. Shoukourian, editor, Seventh International Conference on Computer Science and Information Technologies (CSIT 2009), pages 27-30. The National Academy of Sciences of Armenia Publishers, Yerevan, Armenia, 2009.
  • S. Chairungsee and M. Crochemore. Longest previous non-overlapping factors table computation. In X. Gao, H. Du, and M. Han, editors, Combinatorial Optimization and Applications - 11th International Conference, COCOA 2017, Shanghai, China, December 16-18, 2017, Proceedings, Part II, volume 10628 of Lecture Notes in Computer Science, pages 483-491. Springer, 2017.
  • M. Crochemore and L. Ilie. Computing longest previous factors in linear time and applications. Inf. Process. Lett., 106(2):75-80, 2008.
  • M. Crochemore, L. Ilie, C. S. Iliopoulos, M. Kubica, W. Rytter, and T. Walen. Computing the longest previous factor. Eur. J. Comb., 34(1):15-26, 2013.
  • M. Crochemore and G. Tischler. Computing longest previous nonoverlapping factors. Inf. Process. Lett., 111(6):291-295, 2011.