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Let $x$ be a non-empty word. An integer $p$, $0\lt p\leq|x|$, is called a period of $x$ if $x[i]=x[i+p]$ for $i=0,1,\dots,|x|-p-1$. Note that the length of a word is a period of this word, so every non-empty word has at least one period. The period of $x$, denoted by $\per(x)$, is its smallest period. Note that if $p$ is a period of $x$, its multiples not larger than $|x|$ are also periods of $x$.

Here is a series of properties equivalent to the definition of a period $p$ of $x$. First, $x$ can be factorised uniquely as $(uv)^k u$, where $u$ and $v$ are words, $v$ is non-empty, $k$ is a positive integer and $p=|uv|$. Second, $x$ is a prefix of $ux$ for a word $u$ of length $p$. Third, $x$ is a factor of $u^k$, where $u$ is a word of length $p$ and $k$ a positive integer. Fourth, $x$ can be factorised as $uw=wv$ for three words $u$, $v$ and $w$, verifying $p=|u|=|v|$.

The last point leads to the notion of border. A border of $x$ is a proper factor of $x$ that is both a prefix and a suffix of $x$. The border of $x$, denoted by $\Bord(x)$, is its longest border.

Borders and periods of $x$ are in one-to-one correspondence because of the fourth point above: a period $p$ of $x$ is associated with the border $x[p\dd |x|-1]$.

Note that, when defined, the border of a border of $x$ is also a border of $x$. Then $\langle \Bord(x), \Bord^2(x), \dots, \Bord^k(x)=\mv \rangle$ is the list of all borders of $x$. The (non-empty) word $x$ is said to be border free if its only border is the empty word or equivalently if its only period is $|x|$.

Lemma 1 (Periodicity lemma}

If $p$ and $q$ are periods of a word $x$ and satisfy $p+q-\pgcd(p,q)\leq|x|$ then $\pgcd(p,q)$ is also a period of $x$.

The proof of the lemma may be found in textbooks. The Weak Periodicity lemma refers to a variant of the lemma in which the condition is strengthened to $p+q\leq|x|$. Its proof comes readily as follows.

Periodicity Lemma

The conclusion obviously holds when $p=q$. Else, w.l.o.g. assume $p\gt q$ and let us show first that $p-q$ is a period of $x$. Indeed, let $i$ be a position on $x$ for which $i+p\lt |x|$. Then $x[i]=x[i+p]=x[i+p-q]$ because $p$ and $q$ are periods. And if $i+p\geq|x|$, the condition implies $i-q\geq 0$. Then $x[i]=x[i-q]=x[i+p-q]$ as before. Thus $p-q$ is a period of $x$. Iterating the reasoning or using a recurrence as for Euclid's algorithm, we conclude that $\pgcd(p,q)$ is a period of $x$.

To illustrate the Periodicity lemma, let us consider a word $x$ that admits 5 and 8 as periods. Then, if we assume moreover that $x$ is composed of at least two distinct letters, $\pgcd(5,8)=1$ is not a period of $x$. Thus, the condition of the lemma cannot hold, that is, $|x|\lt 5+8-\pgcd(5,8)=12$.

Illustration of the Periodicity Lemma

The extreme situation is displayed in the picture and shows (when generalised) that the condition required on periods in the statement of the Periodicity lemma cannot be weakened.